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Mastering the 5 Credit Factors so that You Can Achieve Your Dreams

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Created on 12/20/2016 by Thomas (TJ) Underwood of Realty 1 Strategic Advisors

Learn how knowing "the five credit factors" and applying them to your unique credit and financial situation can lead to a more efficient path to the success that you desire…


It is important that you have a "workable understanding" of how to apply your knowledge of the "5 credit factors" that you need to know to move yourself and your family forward in a timely manner. 

Did you know that your credit score shows your potential and current lenders if you have been responsible in your use of credit?

If you are unaware of "the 5 credit factors" anytime is a good time to gain a comprehensive understanding of what they are! 

However, it is also critical that you properly utilize that understanding in your daily life so that you can improve your FICO (Fair Issac & COmpany) score.

Fair Issac & Company takes information in your credit file at each of the 3 credit bureaus and puts that information into a mathematical formula (algorithm) to calculate your credit score.

Your credit score will fall in the 300 to 850 range and your goal should be 720 at a minimum if you have a needor plan on using credit in your future.

Potential lenders in the United States in particular will use your FICO score to determine if you are a good credit risk for lending purposes and will use your FICO score to determine your interest rate on particular types of loans (i.e. your credit card, auto loan, mortgage loan etc.).

There are 3 major credit bureaus that compile credit scores:




You can get all 3 credit reports for free once per year by going to:

There are two major "scoring models" and they are:


2) VantageScore

The industry standard credit score can be found at, however each credit bureau have their own scoring system (as well as a FICO score) and many lenders will use the average or middle score of the 3 credit bureaus to determine if you are a good credit risk.

On this page you will have an empowering pathway that provides you the route to the management of your credit and you will have no choice but to succeed—if you continue to read!

If you take heed, comprehend and apply what you need to apply, you will gain a comprehensive understanding and application of the five factors that affect your credit score in a manner like no other site on the web.


However, we’ll let you be the judge! 

Be sure to click on the links below so that you can gain a comprehensive approach in the management of your credit and credit score that can lead to more success for you and your family throughout your lifetime.

Mandatory Credit Resources...

It is imperative that you realize that what you do behind the scenes when no one is looking (i.e. mastering the following links) is very important and prepares your mind with the "mental working knowledge" that is needed for you to achieve at your highest level of excellence when you come from behind the scenes. 


You must be circumspect in the management of your credit and finances due to the time period that we now live in.  Or another way of looking at it is that you must use due care in the management of your credit and finances!


What are you doing with what God has given you?  Are you operating in your purpose at this particular TIME IN YOUR LIFE?  


The following links will get you moving fast toward your credit, financial and life goals!

The 5 Credit Factors:


Negative Information or Payment History—35%

It is "very important" that you have a real knowledge of how your “payment history” on and off your "credit reports" affect your credit


Utilization or How You Use Your Credit—30%

It is "very important" that you have a real knowledge of how your “utilization” or how you "use your credit" affects your credit and credit score


Time Length of Accounts—15% 

It is important that you have a real knowledge of how your “age of your accounts” affect your credit and credit score


Type of Credit—10% 

It is important that you have a real knowledge of the types of credit (your credit mix) that you have in your credit file as it can help or hinder your credit score


Inquiries or Hard Pull by Creditors—10% 

It is important that you have a real knowledge of why you must keep the “hard pull”  of your credit file to a minimum if your goal is to build your credit

You have just learned 100% of the credit factors (generally speaking) that are used by those in the credit industry to rank your credit score!

Don't feel you can remember the five credit factors?

Remember  NUTTI, MUTTI or PUTTI (you choose the word that works better for youor choose all three) in your GUTTI to improve your credit scoreforever more!

N M or P in the above acronyms means:

N  = Negative Informationyou must keep negative information off of your credit reports

M = Mess Up—you can't mess up your credit

P = Payment HistoryYou must keep your payment history positive

U = Utilization

T = Time

T = Type

I = Inquiries

Visit the "above links" to "drive it home" and you should be in position to know and manage the "5 credit factors" in a manner that will provide you the results that you desire throughout your lifetime!

Always keep in mind the descending weight of each credit factor:

N = 35%

U = 30%

T = 15%

T = 10%

I = 10%

Total = 100%

By mastering this page you will put yourself in position to operate in excellence when it comes to managing your credit and finances throughout your lifetime!

Also be aware that you may see (or hear) other words describing the "5 Credit Factors!"

However, it is your responsibility to line up what is being said (whether written or verbal) in the proper context "within your mind" because you have "mastered the 5 credit factors" at a very high level!


Be sure to be aware of possible changes in the FICO algorithms and even the credit factors as there is always the chance that those in charge will make adjustments that differ from what you are now reading. 

Even what you have learned in this discussion is not definite, but is the best of what is available based on how those in the credit scoring industry operate based on what is publicly available. 

That means that their way of scoring is unknown in some respects, however if you "master the 5 concepts in this discussion" you will have no problem achieving your credit goals.

In addition to the FICO scoring system there is also another scoring system that is widely used called Vantagescore!  However by mastering the 5 credit factors you will effectively manage your credit score regardless of which credit scoring model is being used.

In a nutshell to effectively manage your credit and credit score you mostly need a credit history  with a number of accounts, no reported late payments, as well as low reported balances on your revolving debt (primarily your credit card debt).  

However, by having a comprehensive understanding of the 5 credit factors you will be in a stronger position for future success! 

NOTE: Also realize that your credit score is one of many in a large pool (millions upon millions of other consumers who have a credit file) and your score will fall in the lower, middle or upper range (300  to 850) and many lenders will be more or less favorable toward you depending on where you fall in that range.

In addition, if you have a joint account, authorized users on your account or you co-sign for a loan be aware that those who share your account can kick your score downward if they are irresponsible in their use. 

Another way of looking at it is if you share your credit with others in an irresponsible way they can jack up (or maybe JACK "down" is more appropriate) your credit and make reaching your goals far more difficult than it should be.

You must realize that "you" are ultimately responsible for the "timely payment" on your account(s) whether you alone use the credit or other individual(s) are on your account(s).

Once you get your credit to where you desire that it be you can then relax somebut always remember (and do your absolute best) to keep your revolving balances low or non-existent and always pay on time! 

It is important that you know where to go to find credit resources that will make your journey of credit management more concise and will get you to your destination faster!

A properly funded emergency fund along with a "mindset of personal responsibility" will help ensure that you are in position to pay your creditors in a timely manner and also help protect you from unexpected events that will occur during your lifetime!

Once your credit score is in the range that you desire it will be as if you are driving on the autobahnwith no traffic in front, on your side, to your left or to your right (you have no need to be concerned about what is behind you).

You will be in cruise control (as you should be based on the "commitment" that "you made" to master and seriously apply the 5 credit factors in your life) doing the speed—or should I say "achieving the goals" that you desire—almost effortlessly because you have mastered the 5 credit factors and you know how to use that mastery to your and your family's best advantage.

By "proactively visiting this page" (prior to running into financial difficulty) at the earliest point in your “life stage” you can make the right choices and decisions so that when you get older and look back you can have a feeling of exuberance as opposed to regret.


Don’t waste time, energy and money by not having the “mental working knowledge” that is needed to manage your credit and finances in more effective ways! 


The time and energy that you are spending reading and comprehending what you are learning on this page and site will provide you the nucleus to achieve at a higher level throughout your lifetime!  


Don’t get too high or too low about where you now are! 

You will soon have a "complete picture" of how you can effectively manage your credit throughout your lifetime.


What are you going to do…

Are you going to start on a serious path to making all of your dreams come true?

Absolutely...    Yes  or   No

It's your Show...

The right decision by you at this time can put you on a serious path to mastering the 5 credit factors that affect your credit scores and position you and your family for a lifetime of success.

All the best...


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About This Article:


The above article was written by Thomas (TJ) UnderwoodThomas (TJ) Underwood is a former fee-only financial planner, a former top producing loan processor and is currently a licensed real estate broker in the state of Georgia. 

He is the writer behind The Real Estate & Finance 360 Degrees Series of Books that include The Wealth Increaser, Home Buyer 411 The Smart Guide to Buying Your Home, Home Seller 411 The Smart Guide to Selling Your Home, and  Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM.

In addition he is also the writer who created The 3 Step Structured Approach to Managing Your Finances, and CREDIT & FINANCE IMPROVEMENT MADE EASY—NEW GUIDE that you can download right now "(at MIMIMAL cost $3.95)" to learn more about his writing style and how you can achieve "more" success in the current economy.

He is the creator of where he regularly blogs about helping consumers improve their credit, finance and real estate pursuits in an intelligent, consistent and proactive manner. 

He’s always looking for ways to make intelligent finance improvement happen for those who “sincerely desire” success in their future. He was the first financial planner to coin the phrase "financially alert mind"  and he consistently writes in a style that is designed to provide consumers the ability to take control of their lives and achieve great results.

You can contact him from a number of sources but the most direct way is to contact him through the contact us block that can be found at the bottom of this page.  You can also get highly relevant tips on "living your life more abundantly" and link to and possibly earn revenue by logging on to

He is also an IRS registered tax planning professional with over 30 years of tax experience and can be reached at:



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