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  •       A site created for consumers that is designed to get them powerful results in their credit, finance and real estate future

  •    A site with articles written for your successif you truly want success—this site is for you
  •     A  site supported by Realty 1 Strategic Advisors—a company that has re-defined the way that success is achieved for consumers on a local and worldwide basis
  •    A site supported by the sale of one of the most powerful books ever written for those who desire to manage their finances in a comprehensive manner—Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this Millennium
  •    A site with content that is provided as a result of the life purpose of the content writer—with absolutely no strings attached
  •     A site that invites you to challenge the material on this site at your highest level
  •    A site designed to get you to use your mind at your highest level and apply the knowledge that you will gain in a manner that is the best that is within you—to truly help you get the results that you desire





  •    Ad or affiliate advertising driven
  •    SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or Link Driven
  •      Scheme or Scam to get you to purchase something
  •      One that follows the trends of other sites—this site is totally original
  •      A site for those who “do not” truly desire success in their future
  •     A site with magical or secretive formulas for success
  •     A site that requires no effort on your part to achieve the success that you desire or deserve



      What this site provides to you…


This site is designed with “you” in mind.  In most cases the understanding of the strategies and approaches on this site will be readily apparent to you and you will be able to comprehend the strategies and approaches and apply them in your life immediately!

This site is designed to benefit consumers who have a “sincere desire” to improve their credit and finances.

Chances are that if you were not referred to this site or you are not serious about improving your credit and/or finances you would not find this site—and that is intentionally done.

Furthermore, if you want to purchase or sell your home in an effective and efficient manner this site is for you!

This site is written in a style that is designed to get consumers (common everyday people trying to get ahead in life) powerful results. 

This site is not written for academia, intelligentsia (those who think they are super intelligent) or wall street fanatics (even though they could all benefit immensely and it would be to their benefit to visit as well).

Most initial visitors to this site visit from five to ten pages and they visit not based on advertising or other gimmicks—but based on the empowering and valuable content that they not only receive—but utilize in their daily life to improve their credit, finance and real estate pursuits in a highly effective manner!

This is a site that is designed and written in a style and format that is designed to get you the results that you need or desire in your credit, finance and real estate pursuits!

This site provides those (hopefully you) who truly want success in their credit and financial future a  “real opportunity” to attain that success in a cost effective—time-efficient , easy to comprehendand in many cases—easy  to apply manner!

This site is also designed to inspire and encourage you to reach higher heights in your credit, financial and other areas of your life!  

Most importantly, this site is designed to get you powerful results.  If you truly desire success you can achieve just that by properly navigating this site and applying what you will learn at your highest level on a consistent basis!

About Thomas (TJ) Underwood (Creator of this site)


        About Book Release

Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this Millennium© is in our opinion the most powerful credit and finance improvement book available for you and your family if you are one who truly desire to get a comprehensive foundation and manage your finances more intelligently!

Those who have been visiting this site for years know that we have challenged all visitors to find a better, more beneficial website for improving their credit and finances in a more efficient and effective manner than the systems and approaches on this website and our companion website—

We challenge you as well right now at this moment to find a better site on the web that is geared towards your success in a comprehensive way and we still agree to post a link to that site on our website if the site provides real value at a high level and can really benefit consumers.


Even GOOGLE—the world’s largest search engine recognizes the value of this website.  

It is not uncommon for Google and other search engines to send visitors to our website—not based on advertising or other gimmicks but based on the high value of the content and the benefit that it provides to consumers on a consistent basis and that is no accident.

Consumers worldwide have been improving their credit and financial life in a real way with the content on this site for years and Google and other search engines recognizes this fact by sending visitors to this site on a consistent basis!

          Our Challenge To You...

Several years ago we agreed to feature any website prominently on our most heavily visited pages if web visitors were able to find a more effective website (or one that even comes close) geared towards improving their credit and finances in a comprehensive manner—than that of this website.  

As of this date we have not had a site presented to us...

And now with the release of Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this Millennium©—the same content writer of this site sends out another challenge!

We challenge you to go to your favorite website (, ebay, or any other book site or bookstore) and find a book that is geared towards your credit and finance success in a comprehensive manner at a higher and more beneficial level than that of Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this Millennium!

If you purchase Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this Millennium and you find a more effective book on the market that is geared towards your credit and finance success in a comprehensive manner—at this moment in time—than that of Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this Millennium we agree to put a link to that book website on one of our most highly traveled pages so that consumers worldwide can benefit and decide for themselves which book provides more value!

If after purchasing this book you don’t agree that it is the most empowering, uplifting and most beneficial credit and finance improvement book that you have ever read—just send it back within 30 days and we will provide a full refund including shipping costs (up to $4.95)—if purchased from this or any other website! 

We are just that confident in what this book can do for you, your family and your life!

You have absolutely “no risk”—however you have a lot to gain as we are certain that you will never look at your credit and finances in the same manner. 

You will have access to powerful credit and financial success formulas and advice that will provide you the ability to achieve at a very high level.  

To get a preview of this book—Click Here…

     What This Site Is Designed To Do

What many in the finance industry don’t understand is that today’s consumers are looking for a cost effective, time efficient and easy-to-learn system of credit and finance improvement that they can apply effectively in their daily life!

On websites as well as books you will see many who provide highly impressive graphics, charts for technocrats and other highly technical data that although impressive in appearance does nothing to benefit you—the consumer, nor does it help you manage your credit and finances in the most effective and efficient manner!

Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this Millennium—provides a clear alternative to books that are short sighted and lacking in a comprehensive approach to assisting you in all areas of your credit and financial life!

Our websites also provide a clear alternative to advertisement laden sites and those that provide highly impressive graphics—but content that does not addresses your concerns or content that does not offer real value to you or your family that will lead to a high level of success in today's economy!

On our websites our goal is to provide you with what you need to succeed without the distractions.

You can avoid the headaches that you will undoubtedly get by going to ad driven sites 
and sites that offer other distracting stimuli as part of the process before you can view the content that you went to the site for.

On this site—our most desired outcome is for you to make the decision to take control of your credit, finance and real estate concerns and then actually do so by taking direct action and applying the powerful content on this site in a manner that will truly benefit you and your family.

Our goal is to inspire you to do what is necessary and required so that you can achieve a high level of success!  

It is important that you realize fully that it is your responsibility to create a financial future that serves your and your family's best interest!

On this site our goal is to make you feel good about yourself, your family and your future and provide you the opportunity to utilize inspiration and other qualities of success that you may be lacking in to help you achieve your credit, finance and real estate goals that are of the most importance to you and your family! 

You have all of the mental qualities inside of you that are needed for success on a daily basis—now is the time that you acknowledge that reality!

Even if you are struggling in your life and we know that struggling is hard—you must persevere and not give up so that you will achieve the success that you desire in your and your family’s future!

You must realize that you can’t blame others or you can’t rely on others when you "really" have control over and the ability inside of you to fix or transform your current situation to that of true success and that should be your mindset on a daily basis in all of your and your family’s endeavors!

Real credit and finance improvement can happen in your life starting today—the decision is yours!

Be sure to make the right choice!


As the content writer of I have spent many days and weeks compiling the information contained on this web site. However it is important that you realize that real estate markets are local in nature and are in a constant state of change.

The data on this site is derived from a number of sources and should not be used for valuation of individual homes as your situation may be case specific.

I urge anyone who is considering buying or selling real estate in the Atlanta market to investigate into the marketplace independently.  In addition, all personal finance articles are written with the highest intent to be accurate, however there is no guarantee of accuracy.

As a user of this service you agree to release, it's owners, employees and affiliates from any and all liability and hold, it's owners and affiliates harmless in relationship to information obtained from this web site.


We provide this service as a service to consumers with the understanding that all information contained herein may not be accurate. While every attempt is made to deliver accurate data the information is provided with no guarantee of accuracy.


United States and foreign copyright laws and international conventions protect the contents of this site. You agree to abide by all copyright notices.

All images and text on are the intellectual property of Realty 1 Strategic Advisors, LLC and are protected by applicable laws.

Republication or redistribution of this content, including by framing or by similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Realty 1 Strategic Advisors, LLC.


Thomas (TJ) Underwood



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About This Article:


The above article was written by Thomas (TJ) UnderwoodThomas (TJ) Underwood is a former fee-only financial planner, a former top producing loan processor and is currently a licensed real estate broker in the state of Georgia. 

He is the writer behind The Real Estate & Finance 360 Degrees Series of Books that include The Wealth Increaser, Home Buyer 411 The Smart Guide to Buying Your Home, Home Seller 411 The Smart Guide to Selling Your Home, and  Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM.

In addition he is also the writer who created The 3 Step Structured Approach to Managing Your Finances, and CREDIT & FINANCE IMPROVEMENT MADE EASY—NEW GUIDE that you can download right now "(at MIMIMAL cost $3.95)" to learn more about his writing style and how you can achieve "more" success in the current economy.

He is the creator of where he regularly blogs about helping consumers improve their credit, finance and real estate pursuits in an intelligent, consistent and proactive manner. 

He’s always looking for ways to make intelligent finance improvement happen for those who “sincerely desire” success in their future. He was the first financial planner to coin the phrase "financially alert mind"  and he consistently writes in a style that is designed to provide consumers the ability to take control of their lives and achieve great results.

You can contact him from a number of sources but the most direct way is to contact him through the contact us block that can be found at the bottom of this page.  You can also get highly relevant tips on "living your life more abundantly" and link to and possibly earn revenue by logging on to

He is also an IRS registered tax planning professional with over 30 years of tax experience and can be reached at:



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