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Wealth Building Now  by Thomas (TJ) Underwood 230 page paperback $14.95 now available on

ISBN number: 978-1-953994-22-6

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In this helpful guide, concerns that many visitors to our websites, clients and potential clients who have visited our offices, and others who have communicated with our office over the years about "comprehensively managing their finances" have been taken head on in Wealth Building Now, so that those who desire lasting wealth building success will have the tools to reach their wealth building goals in a timelier manner.

In this guide, timeless principles that can guide you toward more success and access to what really works in the management of your finances will be broken down to a small compound so that all who sincerely seek Wealth Building success will know where a true path to lasting success can be found as the simplification in understanding by you will abound.

Those who had no where to turn in the past or didn’t know where to turn, can now find proven, time-tested ways to build wealth that puts them at the center of the action.  In this guide it is “you” who must have a strong desire and an “action mindset” to achieve at a higher level so that you can achieve your short, intermediate, and long-term goals in a way that works with your mind—and not against it.

Once you complete the reading of Wealth Building Now, you will have more clarity of how to manage your finances than many who have worked in the financial industry for years.

Wealth Building Now is broken down into 10 principle and 10 chapters with one principle per chapter so that you will get the clear understanding and direction that you need to succeed.  It is written in a bold, authentic and conversational style that is designed to inspire and encourage you to do more "throughout" your lifetime!

Wealth Building Now was created to help you manage your finances better whether you are now in debt or moving along in life at a prosperous pace.  You will learn effective ways to manage your finances at the various stages of your life and you will have the real opportunity to “put yourself” in position for a lifetime of wealth building success, where what you are pursuing works for your best interests—not creditors or others who have no real concern for your long-term success.

It is very important that you take the right action that can lead you toward the success that you desire and an “action mindset” is critical for your long-term wealth building success in the times that we now live in.

If you allow procrastination to rule your day, you take your wealth building efforts in the wrong way!

Isn't it time you believe in yourself in a way that you never imagined possible and you prepare your mind properly by gaining a comprehensive approach in the management of your finances so that when you meet or communicate with your insurance agent, investment advisor, tax professional, financial advisor, estate attorney and other financial professionals you will know the right questions to ask so that you won't be taken advantage of unfairly.

If you don't believe in you, are you really serious about making your dreams come true.  Why should others believe in you if you don't believe in yourself and what you can now do?

Below you will find a poem that is designed to encourage and inspire you toward taking the right action so that you can gain more traction. 

Additionally, you will learn more about what is inside Wealth Building Now that can possibly be used by you to transform your life to that of lasting success if you are “now” willing to give it your ABSOLUTE best!

The Right Action Lifted Me

I was sinking deep in debt

Far from a peaceful mind,

Some nights I barely slept

A better approach is what I was trying to find,

Then Wealth Building Now came on the market

I then began to look at my finances in a whole new way

From my mind I can “now see” that my goals can be met

Now I awake with focus each and every day.

The Right Action lifted me!

The Right Action lifted me!

When I almost gave up hope

The Right Action lifted me.

The Right Action lifted me!

The Right Action lifted me!

When I almost gave up hope

The Right Action lifted me.

I even got my heart to take part.

Oh, am I so glad that I decided to start!

My dreams are so big, and “now” I know they will come true.

Starting today and forevermore, I will do what I need to do!

Out of the low valleys, and my deepest sorrow

I will now take The Right Action so that I will know where I can go tomorrow

As I dig down deep and contemplate who I really want to be

It will be The Right Action that will lift me…

Isn't it time that something comes alive inside of you so that you can truly arrive by 2025 so that your finances won't take a dive?

Read chapter 5 Now...

What You Can Expect if you purchase Wealth Building Now

1)      Adversity—You must always respond positively to adversity

2)      Character—You must operate with character at all times

3)      Excellence—You must have a track record of doing what you need to do, and you want to excel and work toward making your dreams come true

4)      Imagination—You must have the ability to dream big and take action

5)      Focus—You must zoom in on and pursue what you desire most with laser like focus

6)      Confidence—You must know within your mind and heart that you desire to set yourself apart

7)      Control—You must know at all times that if you do what you need to do, you can control your outcomes and make your dreams come true

8)      Creativity—You must know how to use your creativity to achieve even more

9)      Determination—Your determination level will determine if you really want the wealth building success that you are pursuing

10) Destiny—Your destiny will be determined by the actions that you take on a consistent basis

Introduction 8

Chapter 1

Adversity—You must always respond positively to adversity 22

Chapter 2

Character—You must operate with character at all times 32

Chapter 3

Excellence—You must have a track record of excelling and doing what is needed 45

Chapter 4

Imagination—You must have the ability to dream big and act 57

Chapter 5

Focus—You must zoom in on and pursue what you desire with laser like focus 70

Chapter 6

Confidence—You must know within your mind and heart that you truly desire to set yourself apart 96

Chapter 7

Control—You must always know that if you do what you need to do, you can control your outcomes (you must be reliable and always do what you need to do) 114

Chapter 8

Creativity—You must know how to use your creativity to achieve even more 134

Chapter 9

Determination—Your determination level will determine if you really want the wealth building success that you are pursuing 146

Chapter 10

Destiny—Your destiny will be determined by the actions that you take on a consistent basis 154

Appendix A

10 additional topics of interest 175

Appendix B

The 3 Step Structured Approach (A Comprehensive Financial Management System) 186

Appendix C

Thomas (TJ) Underwood Author/Blogger 212

BONUS SECTION: Investment Simplification & Wealth Building 214

You can “ace” your understanding of wealth building “if” you have the confidence, control, creativity, and determination to reach your destiny!

Once you combine the success formula or 10 principles (inside your mind and heart) and you decide to give it your absolute best consistently, you will begin to synergistically achieve major success and build wealth at a level that is your absolute best!

The following Introduction will provide you a feel of what you can expect if you are one who are seriously contemplating your wealth building future and you desire a no-nonsense, clear, and proven way to achieve wealth building success in a manner that you will not be denied if you do what you need to do.


Over the years I have written about many topics as it relates to personal finance and wealth building.  In this timely book, 10 of the most important principles that can guide you toward wealth building success will be presented to help you and others who desire to build wealth more effectively and efficiently an opportunity to do just that.

And with the planned release of this book occurring roughly 10 years from the date of formulation and creation of website, this book has special meaning in more ways than one.

Wealth Building NOW!!!   10 Guiding Principles for Wealth Building Success in Any Economic Environment is designed to inspire and uplift those who desire to achieve wealth building success in a more effective manner so that the goals that they desire most can come into fruition in a timelier manner. 

It is important that you utilize your mind in a manner that is of high intensity and is focused on the success that you desire.  Your daily focus must be so strong that the success that you desire is the “only” possible outcome!

You must ask yourself “what can I use” to help reach my goals more efficiently and effectively and how can I achieve winning success in all areas of my finances?

You must imagine yourself being unstoppable in your pursuit toward the wealth building success that you desire—and using your mind diligently to look at your finances from a fresh new perspective that is not the norm could be what is needed in your life that can turn your current situation into that of greater success.

By asking and answering the “right questions” you can help bring what you visualize and sincerely want in your and your family’s future—into reality!

In Wealth Building NOW you will be able to analyze what you can do to work toward building wealth in a more responsible and rewarding manner where your and your family’s success is at the forefront!

It is important that you draw up in your mind a realistic outlook of how you will get to where you want to go as you journey toward building your wealth more intelligently.

You no longer must ask— “Can I” manage my finances and achieve the wealth building success that I need and/or desire.  The question soon will be, will I manage my finances more effectively now that I possess the knowledge that is needed to do just that?

Asking and answering the right questions stimulates your thought process and provides your mind with new insight on accomplishing your future goals.

Below you will learn what you can do right now to work toward achieving your future goals and building wealth in a more efficient manner.  

  • Focus On Success by Having a Realistic Plan for Achieving Success

Do you know what your monthly income and expenses are, and do you know what you spend monthly?

Your monthly discretionary income is the starting point to getting you in position to achieve lasting success in your building of wealth. 

You cannot have a half-hearted approach or just go through the motions.  You must put a solid written plan in place and do your absolute best to follow through with that solid plan by doing what is necessary on a consistent basis!

Even those who currently have a high net worth could achieve far more if only they had an effective system in place that allowed them to manage their monthly income and expenses in a more intelligent, consistent, smarter and more beneficial manner.

By creating a realistic plan for success, you will know your monthly income and your monthly expenses and you will have an understanding within your mind of how to manage your income and expenses effectively so that you can reach your desired goals. 

By knowing your income and expenses monthly, you can put a plan in place that will allow you to reach your future goals in a realistic way and not just base your future goals on wishful thinking or improper planning. 

You want to build wealth in a manner where you have a properly funded emergency fund and little or no credit card debt and a comprehensive understanding of your finances. In Appendix B you will be presented with a wealth building approach that provides all that so that you can position yourself for success throughout your lifetime!

  • Use Proper Wealth Building Strategies to Reach Your Desired Goals 

By utilizing a monthly cash flow statement (budget) you can pursue your future goals with more focus and commitment and build wealth in a more effective manner because you will know your “financial numbers” and you will be in a better position to see your future more clearly and reach your desired goals.

Setting meaningful and significant goals and creating a pathway to reaching those goals that are realistic and based on your own unique monthly income and expenses are critical for you and your family if you are sincere in really reaching your goals.

Keep in mind that due to life events or other factors that you may not have control over, you may have to modify your goals and/or the timetable for reaching them.  However, you must not be discouraged, and you must continue to move toward the goals that you desire to attain. 

You must balance your goals and at the same time use wisdom in your approach.   It is important that you look at your finances in a comprehensive manner—even while creating your budget and establishing your emergency fund, as it will help immensely in your goal setting efforts.

Insurance Planning, Investment Planning, Tax Planning, Education Planning, Estate Planning/Wills and Retirement Planning will all come into clearer focus once you create a monthly budget and you know the amount of your discretionary income that you have left over so that you can achieve your other goals

In addition to learning the 10 principles in the body of this book, in the bonus section you will learn an “Investment Simplification Approach” that will provide you the opportunity to reach targeted amounts that you plan for so that you can enjoy life more abundantly.

Therefore, you at this time want to approach your wealth building efforts with a “mindset of comfort” as you will have a highly effective system that allows you to build wealth effectively once you complete the reading of this book.

  • Build Your Wealth Intelligently

You must realize that the more diverse your investment mix—the more the odds are that your plan will stand the test of time.  Consider index funds as well as actively managed funds, CD’s, I-bonds and other bonds and money market accounts, and be sure that you are comfortable and have a real understanding of how what you are investing in works.

Be sure to use tax-advantaged accounts and tax advantaged contributions to your maximum benefit!

And above all decide right now—and know within your mind and heart that the time to seriously approach your finances and achieve your dreams—will NEVER be just right! 

By deciding to take control of your Wealth Building future right NOW—you can put yourself in position to control your future and increase your returns and do what you really want to do during your lifetime—and at the same time you minimize letting others control your future and enhancing their bottom line at your expense.

Now is the time that you use your creativity and insight (ideas, theories, models, inspiration, concepts, goals, dreams, etcetera) and this book—to move forward and get your future right. 

By building your wealth in a more thoughtful and intelligent manner you can achieve much more in your future!

You will soon possess ideas and insight within your mind and heart that will put you within reach of making your and your family's future a much more prosperous one. 

You will soon be able to do far more to work toward building your and your family’s wealth and achieve much more during your lifetime.

Always remember that if you desire to build your wealth more effectively, you must have a system (within your mind) that allows you to create a personal budget, create a personal income statement and create a personal balance sheet and you must know your personal net worth at this time—so that you can get MOMENTUM rolling—if you are to achieve at your highest levels. 

You must then use the information that is derived from those statements as a major tool to help you formulate written goals that can make a real and lasting difference in your life and lead you and your family forward in building wealth in a more efficient manner than if you had not done so. 

You must make up your mind at this time to really pursue (take the right action on a daily basis) what you desire in your future with all of your might and every fiber in your body!

Now is the time that you dig deep and stretch your mind and heart further than you’ve ever stretched beforeby doing so the success that you always dreamed of will be just behind the door!

That success will be due in large part to the decision that you made to open your mind up to what was possible and looking at your future in a more engaging and prosperous manner so that you could build your wealth in a more intelligent, consistent and proactive manner.

Wealth Building NOW wishes to introduce you and your family to a more successful path to future success where roadblocks are minimized or non-existent.

It is particularly important in the times that we now live in that you live your life with “high standards” as a major benchmark in your life.

Even if you are currently very successful in your credit and financial life, you need to operate from the perspective that the success that you now enjoy can be improved upon.  You should want to take your success to a higher state, whether it be financial or otherwise!

Even though you may appear successful in your own eyes and in the eyes of others, there is always room for improvement.

However, you and your family should be commended for reaching your current level of success. 

By having a real determination to further pursue success at a level that is your absolute best, you have made a “major decision” to put procrastination to rest.

Your goal should always be to operate with high standards and pursue excellence by doing your “absolute best” at what you do—or plan to do!

By doing so you take your mental state to a higher level!

If you try to excel in all areas of your credit, financial and everyday life you bring the possibility for increased success in your and your family’s life.

In Wealth Building NOW, I have tried to excel at providing you 10 principles of wealth building to help you improve your credit, finance, and real estate pursuits in the most efficient and effective manner possible.

By reading and applying what you will soon learn you can use the advice and information to change your future in a major way and achieve lasting goals.

The information and advice in this book are for those who  “sincerely” want to change their wealth building future in a major way—in a comprehensive, highly effective and highly efficient manner!

You must make it a point to operate at a high level of excellence in all that you do if your goal is to be successful at a very high level.

You must set the bar high and reach higher in your life!

Make it a point at this time to do your absolute best at what you are doing or plan to do!

You can’t depend on others to take you to where you need or want to be, because the destiny that you see or will soon see is only meant for you—and who you were truly meant to be.

Excelling at a high level requires that you actually want to be among the best at what you do!

If you are in the process of improving your credit and finances, you want to do your absolute best at attaining those goals!

You must have the attitude that you will excel at your highest level while you are on your journey to reaching your goals for yourself and your family.

It is important that you are “properly prepared” and you have the “proper focus” if you want to excel at a high level.

Excellence and high standards are required if you want to reach your credit, financial and life goals!

Don’t live your life in a manner where you accept mediocrity and less than your best in all that you do!

Excellence is a quality that you must always aspire to attain!

You can have a successful, prosperous future if you set your standards high and you operate at a high level of excellence daily!

Be sure to aim highhave meaningful and beneficial goals for yourself and your family and do your best to excel in all that you engage in.

Your personal standards should be at such a high level that nothing that the outside world will say or do—will affect you in a negative way! 

Quite the contrary, negative comments by others will provide a high level of inspiration and motivation for you if you have the right approach for success!

Now is the time to ask Why!  Now is the Time to set the bar High!  By doing so You can exceed the Sky!

Be sure to set meaningful and inspiring goals and do your absolute best to reach those goals. 

You must set the bar high if you are to exceed the sky! 

You must reach down in your soul, muster up the strength to reach your goal—and know that success in all that you do will be a lifetime role!

Go out and make your dreams come true—Wealth Building NOW provides you a road map of what you can NOW do—to see your way through!

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Currently The Real Estate & Finance 360 Degrees Series of Books© consist of:

Book 1) Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this Millennium Paperback Copyright© 2012

Book 2) HOME BUYER 411 The Smart Guide to Buying Your Home

E-book Copyright© 2014, 2023 Hardback Copyright© 2023

Book 3) HOME SELLER 411 The Smart Guide to Selling Your Home

E-book Copyright© 2014,2023, Hardback Copyright© 2023

Book 4) The Wealth Increaser E-book Copyright© 2014, Hardback Copyright© 2023

Book 5) The 3 Step Structured Approach to Managing Your Credit & Finances E-book Copyright© 2014, 2023 Hardback Copyright© 2023

Book 6) The FIZBO Manual (For Sale By Owner Guide) E-book Copyright© 2014, 2023 Hardback Copyright© 2023

Book 7) 1-2-3 Credit & Me E-book Copyright© 2021, 2023 Paperback Copyright© 2023, Hardback Copyright© 2023

Book 8) Credit & Finance Improvement Made Easy E-book Copyright© 2014, 2023

Book 9) Wealth Building Axioms E-book Copyright© 2024, Paperback Copyright© 2024

Book 10) Wealth Building Now E-book Copyright© 2024, Paperback Copyright© 2024

Our Latest release © 2023, "The 3 Step Structured Approach" now available on

NEW BOOK ©2021, 20231-2-3 Credit & MeNow Available

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About This Article:


The above article was written by Thomas (TJ) UnderwoodThomas (TJ) Underwood is a former fee-only financial planner, a former top producing loan processor and is currently a licensed real estate broker in the state of Georgia. 

He is the writer behind The Real Estate & Finance 360 Degrees Series of Books that include The Wealth Increaser, Home Buyer 411 The Smart Guide to Buying Your Home, Home Seller 411 The Smart Guide to Selling Your Home, and  Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM.

In addition he is also the writer who created The 3 Step Structured Approach to Managing Your Finances, and CREDIT & FINANCE IMPROVEMENT MADE EASY—NEW GUIDE that you can download right now "(at MIMIMAL cost $3.95)" to learn more about his writing style and how you can achieve "more" success in the current economy.

He is the creator of where he regularly blogs about helping consumers improve their credit, finance and real estate pursuits in an intelligent, consistent and proactive manner. 

He’s always looking for ways to make intelligent finance improvement happen for those who “sincerely desire” success in their future. He was the first financial planner to coin the phrase "financially alert mind"  and he consistently writes in a style that is designed to provide consumers the ability to take control of their lives and achieve great results.

You can contact him from a number of sources but the most direct way is to contact him through the contact us block that can be found at the bottom of this page.  You can also get highly relevant tips on "living your life more abundantly" and link to and possibly earn revenue by logging on to

He is also an IRS registered tax planning professional with over 30 years of tax experience and can be reached at:



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