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Why Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM is so timely—by Thomas (TJ) Underwood...

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The 3 Step Approach--updated in 2023, now available on©2014, 2023...

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Learn How You Can Benefit From Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM 

Over the years I have seen many consumers cultivate the habits that are needed for success on a daily and long-term basis and you too can develop the habits that are necessary to attain true success—in your credit and financial life!

The key was that they “really” wanted success! By navigating this site now it is apparent that you too want to attain success at a high level in your future and you now have the opportunity to attain that success in a manner that will give you the right knowledge and the right system that you can use to effectively attain that success.

Over the years I have also heard the horror stories of those who failed to manage their finances or failed to manage their finances effectively.

I have witnessed firsthand the hardships that those who fail to take responsibility for their credit and finances face on a constant basis!

You no longer have to be one of those horror stories—you now have an opportunity to do your money management the right way and avoid a bad situation or avoid the mistakes that all too many consumers make!

I have seen the pain and frustration of those who have been evicted and faced other financial hardships—when it really did not have to be that way—had they had the right knowledge at the right time and had they applied that knowledge in a manner that was in their and their family’s best interest!

The inspiration to create Realty 1 Strategic Advisors—and write this book came in large part to witnessing that pain on the face of consumers from all walks of life!

You must know and understand what it takes to be successful when you are in the process of managing and improving your credit and finances.

You must know and understand fully that if you are not willing to put in the effort now—you may face difficulties down the road when you now have the opportunity to make a “good choice” today and change your and your family’s future in a real and meaningful way.

Do you know that you can stay on the right course if you have the proper safeguards in place in your credit and financial life?  If you change your actions appropriately you can move toward what you desire or need to attain in your future!  It is important that you reflect on your past to achieve more and plan better in your future!

You must realize that very few are willing to put in the work on the front end to avoid potential pain on the back-end—with their credit and finances.

Had many of those who faced hardship had the right knowledge at the right time and knew how to apply that knowledge effectively for the greater benefit of themselves and their family—in most cases they would have avoided the hardship because they would have had the knowledge to make better decisions that would have eliminated or reduced the hardship.

You must realize that in order to get results that very few get you must have an effective system to manage your credit and finances.

You don’t have to let politicians and others determine your financial future. You don’t have to play partisan politics with your credit and finances when you have better options that you can apply if you take decisive action in your life.

Over the years we have seen hundreds of scenarios of financial hardship occur.

Even if you are one who manages your finances well and think you don’t have a financial worry—you can still benefit from Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM immensely—because it provides you the essentials of what you must do to improve your credit and finances in the most efficient and effective manner that can be found in personal finance.

The principles that you will learn are timeless—you can apply them “yesterday, today and tomorrow!”

Regardless of your “money management personality”—major success can be in your future if you purchase Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM—and you apply what you will learn in a sincere and determined manner!

Why fear your financial future or live your life in uncertainty when you can actually be creating the change in your credit and financial life that is in your best interest?

You must realize that great input (acquiring the right knowledge that is needed for success in your credit and financial life) leads to great outcomes (your management of your credit and finances will produce effective results).

However, you must determine now if you are willing to make the dedication and commitment that is needed to truly transform your credit and financial future.

You must realize that you can’t always be a follower—you must be a leader when it comes to managing and improving your credit and finances.

You can forge a new direction in your future now by purchasing Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM!

Why You Can benefit From Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM?

Building from over two decades in the real estate and financial industry Thomas (TJ) Underwood shares some of Realty 1 Strategic Advisors most powerful “credit and finance improvement methods” that have been utilized by paying clients all over the globe.

Without a doubt, almost all consumers have had a difficult stretch in their life where their credit and/or finances were not at an optimal level. Many have become disheartened about their credit and finances and have in many respects given up on improving their finances because they feel it is too difficult or overwhelming to accomplish. That is a primary reason why this book is so important!

In Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM Thomas (TJ) Underwood presents credit and finance improvement systems and strategies that will provide you with an easy-to-follow, cost effective and time-efficient system—that is designed to get real results.

In Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM you will find the “3 Step Structured Approach to Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances” which has positively changed the credit and financial lives of consumers worldwide.

It is one of the simplest, most creative—comprehensive credit and finance management system that can be found in personal finance and the system is sure to revolutionize the personal finance industry!

Thomas (TJ) Underwood is the Broker/Owner of Peachtree City, Georgia based—Realty 1 Strategic Advisors, LLC—one of the most successful Real estate and Financial Planning companies in the Atlanta Metropolitan area.

He has been in the real estate and financial industry in the Atlanta Metropolitan area for over two decades. He has also worked at the SBA (Small Business Administration) as a loan processor—and was a top producer while there.

Thomas (TJ) Underwood holds a B.S. in Business Administration/Marketing and has successfully completed the Financial Planning Program at Oglethorpe University. He is currently an active licensed Real Estate Broker and Financial Planner in the State of Georgia.

Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM will provide you with a new way of thinking that is dramatically effective—comprehensive—and provides information and advice in a style and format designed to get you moving fast in your credit and financial life.

Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this
MILLENNIUM is entertaining, highly applicable to your life and you will see immediate results if applied properly.

Unlike other books that you may have read that contain complicated charts, theories , systems and approaches to learning that are difficult and impractical to apply in your life— Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM is written in a style and format designed to get your mind to open up.

The information in this book is not the type of information that you will store on a shelf—you will have access to the powerful information inside your mind that you can apply on a daily basis to improve your and your family’s credit and financial life!

Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM is revolutionary and will give you the tools that you need to take your credit and finances into your own hands in a manner like no personal finance book has ever done!

Undue credit and financial suffering does not have to happen and with the publication of this book—consumers now have a highly effective, easy-to-follow, cost effective way to manage and improve their credit and finances and improve their net worth!

Did you know that most consumers who suffer in their credit and financial life do so because of the lack of an effective management system and not a lack of income?

You can take charge of your own financial destiny!

Effective Financial Planning can now be enjoyed by all.

Did you know that financial planning is critical for you and your family’s financial success in the times that we now live in?

By purchasing this book you will have done a powerful thing for yourself and your family and success lies ahead!

Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM is outlined in 9 powerful chapters:

1) Structuring Techniques that Will Change Your Life

2) Improving Your Credit

3) Understanding Your Credit Card & Other Debt

4) How Credit & Other Factors Affect Your Insurance Choices

5) Improving Your Credit—an Illustration

6) Establishing an Emergency Fund

7) Life Stages & Financial Planning

8) Understanding Your Personal Finances

9) Mindset & Motivation

Many consumers are in need of a transformation of their thought process and a mental awakening in regards to their credit and finances.

It is important that you understand that the way you “process” and “look at” your credit and finances and how you “manage and improve” your credit and finance will determine your quality of life!

The “3 Step Structured Approach to Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances” outlined in this bookaddresses all of those concerns!

Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM provides systems that are designed to meet your desire to improve your credit and finances—in this Millennium!

Are you waiting to get started on improving you credit and finances?  It is important that you get started now!

Life is short—don’t put off attaining what you visualize and know is your destiny!

You must be a—do it now type of person—if you want to reach your highest potential!

Do not procrastinate or operate in fear!  If you decide to do it now—you will run fear out of the back door.  You must not procrastinate—act now to get positive momentum on your side!

If you don’t do it now—you may never do it!  Other consumers are achieving success at a high level in their credit and financial life—will you be a part of it—will you be one of those who make the choice to succeed at a high level?

If you utilize the most effective comprehensive credit and finance management system available (“The 3 Step Structured Approach to Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances”) you put yourself and your family in position for real success?

The ability to do something great—lies inside of you!

Be sure not to over analyze or under analyze your situation or wait for the approval from others.  You must move to action at this time if you want to get results that are significant and can really move you forward!

Don’t put off what you can do now—you can get ahead in your credit and financial life—you must consider your habits now—and make positive change in them to improve your future!

Take a leap of faith—it is never too late if you start now you can begin your journey towards success!

You must understand that the time to start improving your credit and finances will never be just right!  It is important that you do it now!

You must get into the habit of doing what you say you will do if you want to have a fulfilling life. You must get into the habit of self-discipline and mentally controlling your mind to get the outcomes that you desire!

Isn't it time you chose an effective system to manage your credit and financial affairs! Isn't it time that you go with the best! Isn't it time that you—do it now—and move yourself and your family forward in the management of your credit and finances!

What area of your credit and finances can you make improvements in?

Determine those areas and take action now! If you do it now—momentum and enthusiasm can begin to flow in your life.

If you make the sincere decision to—do it now—you will become highly energized about your credit and finances and if you are highly motivated and committed you will get the most out of this book.

Do you at this time know all areas of your credit and finances that you must address?

Do you have a working knowledge of your credit and the factors that affect your credit that is highly effective?

Do you know how your credit score is calculated?

Do you have a basic understanding of personal financial statements?

In Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM you will not only receive the answers—but you will have working knowledge of how to apply the information in a manner that will benefit you and your family the most!

You will learn the material in an easy-to-follow, practical manner that is highly effective and will give you the results that you need and desire—to move yourself and your family forward!

Your Purchase is Basically Risk-Free If You Purchase From This Site:

In the same manner and spirit as on our websites—we send out a worldwide challenge—just as we did with our websites—if you can find a more efficient and effective comprehensive system of credit and finance management than that of the systems on this and our companion site or you know someone who has a better system we will “premier” that system prominently on our web site to help consumers improve their credit and finances.

Likewise, after you read Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM if you can find a personal finance book that provides comprehensive real credit and financial solutions in a more time efficient, cost effective, easy-to-follow manner than that of Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUMwe will “premier” that system prominently on our website.

As of today’s date we have had “no takers”—however if you know of a system or if you have a system that is more effective—please e-mail us with that system—whether it is a website or book and we will be sure to post it prominently on our web site—including links to the book site—if applicable!

If you have a book or know of a book that addresses consumers desire to comprehensively improve their credit and finances in a more efficient manner—we will feature that book on our website!

Our goal is to give consumers the absolute best credit and finance systems available as they attempt to improve their credit and finance position and if there is a better, more efficient system available—whether in website or book form we would like to provide that system on our website to help consumers improve their credit and finances worldwide!

For those of you who feel you cannot afford this book at this time you still have no excuse for not improving your credit and finances.

You can access free advice that will help improve your credit and finances to a high level by visiting Realty 1 Strategic Advisors website—the site you are currently on.

Although the information on the websites may not be packaged in the manner of Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM (you will have to do a little more work and you won’t get the absolute best from the author—(it will still provide you with all that you need to be successful in your credit and financial future)!

However, once you are in financial position—make it a point to purchase Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUMas it will provide you with what you need to do to seriously transform your credit and financial life in the most efficient and effective comprehensive manner than any book in personal finance that has ever been written—in our opinion!

Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM is written in a transforming and powerful style designed to get you moving fast in improving your credit and finances!

Success will be in your future if you comprehend, process and apply the systems in an efficient manner!

Did you know that if you purchase this book from "this website"—we offer a 30 day full refund (including S/H—up to $4.95) if you are unsatisfied for "any" reason.

We offer this iron clad guarantee because we know what the ideas, strategies approaches and systems have done for consumers over the years—and can do for you and your family—starting today!

Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM is totally risk-free—you see

You have nothing to lose—you can have a prosperous financial future—if you choose

Make the right decision today—so that your financial future can go the right way!

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About This Article:


The above article was written by Thomas (TJ) UnderwoodThomas (TJ) Underwood is a former fee-only financial planner, a former top producing loan processor and is currently a licensed real estate broker in the state of Georgia. 

He is the writer behind The Real Estate & Finance 360 Degrees Series of Books that include The Wealth Increaser, Home Buyer 411 The Smart Guide to Buying Your Home, Home Seller 411 The Smart Guide to Selling Your Home, and  Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM.

In addition he is also the writer who created The 3 Step Structured Approach to Managing Your Finances, and CREDIT & FINANCE IMPROVEMENT MADE EASY—NEW GUIDE that you can download right now "(at MIMIMAL cost $3.95)" to learn more about his writing style and how you can achieve "more" success in the current economy.

He is the creator of where he regularly blogs about helping consumers improve their credit, finance and real estate pursuits in an intelligent, consistent and proactive manner. 

He’s always looking for ways to make intelligent finance improvement happen for those who “sincerely desire” success in their future. He was the first financial planner to coin the phrase "financially alert mind"  and he consistently writes in a style that is designed to provide consumers the ability to take control of their lives and achieve great results.

You can contact him from a number of sources but the most direct way is to contact him through the contact us block that can be found at the bottom of this page.  You can also get highly relevant tips on "living your life more abundantly" and link to and possibly earn revenue by logging on to

He is also an IRS registered tax planning professional with over 30 years of tax experience and can be reached at:



Atlanta South Location:

Realty 1 Strategic Advisors, LLC

77 Prestwick Lane

Peachtree City, GA 30269

770-719-4550 (Direct)

Atlanta Central Location:

Realty 1 Strategic Advisors, LLC

2940 West Stubbs Road

Atlanta, GA 30349

404-952-9284 (Direct)

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