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Winning & Personal Finance
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Learn how you can develop a winning spirit and manage your financial affairs more effectively

As the year of 2013 comes to a close many consumers are asking how can they be more successful or win in their financial life?  Based on those concerns that have been brought to my attention recently I was inspired to create this page.


In this discussion I will present powerful success formulas that you can use to immediately increase the likelihood of success in your and your family’s credit and financial life or any other area of your life that you desire success in.


First and foremost to achieve the success that you desire—you must have the right mindset or you must gain the preparation and knowledge that will put you in the right frame of mind to attain the success that you desire.



You are now on a page that can help you attain the credit, finance and real estate success that you desire in a more effective and efficient manner! 



Whether debt pay off or debt pay down is your goal, whether funding your retirement accounts at the right level is your goal, whether leaving a lasting legacy for your family members is your goal—you can attain any and all of the goals that you desire if you open up your mind to the possibility!

By comprehending the material on this page  at your highest level and then applying what you feel will work to bring you the success that you desire for yourself and your family—you can win in your financial life!



It is you who must determine and decide what your goals are and then you must have the mindset that you will achieve those goals! 

You will have the potential to attain many of your goals after reading this page, however “potential to do so” means that you have not done it! 

You must be diligent in your approach as well as vigilant in your approach and you must be fully committed to achieving your goals at this time!


This page will provide you the “springboard that you need to go as high as you want to go.” 

You can excel! You can come up and out of any situation that you are in if you have the proper mindset!  You must be excellent in spirit and always move forward—mediocre goals must not be a part of your mindset.



If you diligently work toward your goals and you do not let distractions negatively affect you—you will gradually improve and success will occur—if you are consistent in your approach towards working toward your goal(s)!



Pursuing excellence (winning) requires focus of thought and the decision by you to operate in excellence!  It is the intentional use of your mind to enhance the probability of the outcome that you desire.



Why You Must Have Winning Thoughts

You must ask yourself—what am I strong in?  Focus on your strength—you must know what to focus on!  You must do a little extra to distinguish yourself from the rest in your area of strength and work harder to improve in your areas of weakness.

By doing so excellence will show up in the finished product if you are consistent in your approach.

You must have positive thoughts!  You must believe in yourself at a very high level and you must always get back up and make the best of your situation—NOW!


You must excel and you must move forward!  You must focus daily and you must get better!  You must pay attention to the details!  You must plan for your success... 


Do you have unfinished business in your life that you have been reluctant to address?  Now is the time that you take action on a consistent basis so that you can win!

Why Your Winning Thoughts Are So Important

While creating this page I thought about the success that consumers would achieve by reading this page!

I thought about the distraction (computer glitchlooked at the glitch or adversity from a positive point of view) that delayed the creation of this page and how that distraction would lead to the inspiration to create an even better page than I imagined!


I thought about how consumers around the world would use this page and this site to excel in improving their credit and finances.


I thought about how consumers around the world would be inspired to do more to achieve the success that they desired and I thought about how their faith and personal commitment (about their future) would be enhanced.


I thought about how consumers around the world would use their imagination to achieve great success and I thought about how it would be due in many cases to coming across the “right content” on this site—at “the right time!”


I thought about how consumers would use the following acronym to change the direction of their future and attain success at a higher level than if they had not come across that acronym or success formula!  I thought about how consumers would have the opportunity to WIN in their life from this day forward!

What You Must Do to Attain the Success (Win) that You Desire

You must realize that you too can use your thoughts and action to achieve the outcomes that you desire if you make the decision to do so and you follow through on that decision in a sincere manner!


The following acronym is one of my favorites—because IDA B. WELLS (fought against prejudice, no matter what potential dangers she faced) is also one of my favorite historical figures. 

Likewise, you must use your mind to win in your financial life or any other area of your life that needs addressing without making excuses or providing reasons for your lack of success!

Whether you know it or not it is your responsibility to transform your mindset and take the necessary actions that are needed to ensure a prosperous and productive future for you and your family!


Whether you are in sales or you want to improve your life in a number of areas you can use the following acronym to attain the success that you desire—just as I have used it over the past 20 plus years to attain success (win) on a consistent basis!




I—nterest—create interest in your product or service by taking initiative and having a superior product or service

Desire—create desire by having a product or service that is needed by others

A—ction—create the need for others to take the desired action that you want them to take

B—elieve—you must always believe in your product or service and you must always believe in yourself

W—inning—you must always have a winning spirit—success must always be on your radar

E—nthusiasm—you must believe in your product or service and it must be a superior product or service if you are to present that product or service in an energetic manner

L—eads—by having a winning spirit and being enthusiastic about your product or service you will move in the direction where success lives—which will lead to lifelong success.  In addition, you must have a highly effective system of getting sales "leads" that will take you to where you desire to be—and beyond

L—ife-long success—by doing all of the above you put yourself on a positive path to achieve your life purpose or achieve any other goal or objective that you may have in mind

S—uccess—by properly utilizing and understanding this acronym—success can truly be in your and your family’s future

In the case of reaching your goals or life purpose you must have Interest or you must really want to achieve your goalsor life purpose.  You must have a strong Desire to reach your goals or life purpose and you must take Action on a consistent basis so that you will reach your goals or life purposewhile you are here on planet earth!

And just as in salesyou must Believe in yourself and you must believe that you will accomplish your goals or achieve your life purpose.  

You must also have a Winning and Enthusiastic spirit that will Lead you towards Life-long Success!

Why "Winning" Is All About Making Good Decisions

It is important that you understand that sales (whether purchasing a product or service or selling a product or service) and life success (achieving any goal that you desire) is all about making decisions that are good for you and your family.

It is important that those who you approach with your product or service have a true "need" for your product or service.  Otherwise you will find yourself receiving bad publicity about your product or service.

On the flip side, if you provide a superior product or service or you do something exceptional
that can often lead to positive publicity about your product or service!


However, you must not only have a superior product or service—you must fully believe in that product or service in order for your enthusiasm to come out when you present that product or service to others for their benefit!


The same is true as far as reaching your goals! 

You must pursue goals that are meaningful and significant "to you" and "you" must believe that you will attain those goal(s)—in order to gain the “mental energy” that is needed to get your focus and commitment level where it needs to be!


This site is a “winning site” (it is no accident that you are here now) because I not only had winning thoughts of success, but I “acted on” those thoughts to bring you what we believe are some of the most empowering pages on the web that are designed for your future success.


You must pursue excellence! 

You must not only possess the knowledge that you will gain on this site in your mind—you must also comprehend and use that knowledge on a constant basis if you are to attain true success!

You must do a detailed analysis of your “mental thought process” and then make the decision to improve in areas that you are weak or deficient in.

You must do a sincere and honest self-analysis within "your mind" and you must realize up-front that it will take constant effort on your part to cultivate the habits that are needed for success.

You must have self-confidence and self-discipline at all times and you must let the enthusiasm or excitement that you now have on the inside of yougrow in an ever-increasing manner!

By doing so in a sincere manner you can put yourself in position for a winning future where you are in control and the success that you desire is the ultimate outcome.  

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About This Article:


The above article was written by Thomas (TJ) UnderwoodThomas (TJ) Underwood is a former fee-only financial planner, a former top producing loan processor and is currently a licensed real estate broker in the state of Georgia. 

He is the writer behind The Real Estate & Finance 360 Degrees Series of Books that include The Wealth Increaser, Home Buyer 411 The Smart Guide to Buying Your Home, Home Seller 411 The Smart Guide to Selling Your Home, and  Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM.

In addition he is also the writer who created The 3 Step Structured Approach to Managing Your Finances, and CREDIT & FINANCE IMPROVEMENT MADE EASY—NEW GUIDE that you can download right now "(at MIMIMAL cost $3.95)" to learn more about his writing style and how you can achieve "more" success in the current economy.

He is the creator of where he regularly blogs about helping consumers improve their credit, finance and real estate pursuits in an intelligent, consistent and proactive manner. 

He’s always looking for ways to make intelligent finance improvement happen for those who “sincerely desire” success in their future. He was the first financial planner to coin the phrase "financially alert mind"  and he consistently writes in a style that is designed to provide consumers the ability to take control of their lives and achieve great results.

You can contact him from a number of sources but the most direct way is to contact him through the contact us block that can be found at the bottom of this page.  You can also get highly relevant tips on "living your life more abundantly" and link to and possibly earn revenue by logging on to

He is also an IRS registered tax planning professional with over 30 years of tax experience and can be reached at:



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